Monday, July 25, 2016

Shopping, A Rainy Happy Hour, and Whales

It was a cold, rainy day, so Steve and I set out to do some shopping.  We started in Homer at a remarkable store called Ulmer's, or the Homer Mall.  This is all one ell-shaped building, but it houses an amazing variety of shops, all in one store...not separate buildings.  It has a Tru-Value Hardware store at one end and a quilt shop at the other end.  It has a pharmacy, a Hallmark store, a sporting goods store, housewares, clothing, shoes, toys, and other items.  There is only one checkout station for all these various shops.  I loved it because Steve was happy browsing the hardware section while I shopped in the quilt shop.  What an interesting place.

We progressed from Ulmer's to the spit, where I shopped in my favorite store, The Better Sweater.  Then we went to see the Seafarer's Memorial which is a monument to all those lost at sea.

We had a great happy hour with two couples from Maine  (Linda and Ralph, Jolyne and Emory) that were camped next door to us.  Even a light rain couldn't keep us from enjoying their company as they were leaving the next day.

That evening, we were treated to the sight of 4 whales spouting and rolling in the Inlet beside the campground.
There really is a whale spouting in this picture!

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